
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as Amended

What is FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974), as Amended?

  • FERPA是一部联邦法律
  • 也被称为巴克利修正案
  • Protects the privacy of a student's educational records
  • 适用于在教育部长管理的任何项目下接受资金的所有教育机构或机构

All employees requesting access to systems containing student records (i.e. My记录, 在1974年的《正规赌博十大平台排行》中,他们必须接受培训, 经修订(FERPA). 


  • 记录:书法, 打印, 电脑, 录像带, 录音, 电影, 缩微胶片, 机构的缩微胶片或电子邮件,包含与学生直接相关的信息,并由代理机构或机构或代表其行事的一方维护.
  • 教育记录 包括但不限于:
    • 学术
    • 住房
    • 金融援助
    • 学生账户
    • Disciplinary Files (that are not law enforcement records)


  • 除临时代工外,由创客独自管有的纪录/笔记不得向任何其他人查阅或透露
  • 医疗和咨询记录
  • 就业 records when 就业 is not contingent on being a student, provided the record is used only in relation to the individual's 就业
  • 记录 created and maintained by a law enforcement unit used only for that purpose, is revealed only to law enforcement agencies of the same jurisdiction, and the enforcement unit does not have access to education records
  • Information on a person that was obtained when no longer a student (i.e., alumni records) and does not relate to the person as a student


". . . 学生的教育记录中包含的信息,如果被披露一般不会被认为是有害的或侵犯隐私的.(1988年《正规赌博十大平台排行》)


  • Social security number or student identification number
  • 比赛
  • 种族
  • 国籍
  • 性别

See Concordia University Directory Information for those items that can be released. 在发布任何信息之前, check with the 司法常务官办公室 for those with directory holds. 

Can directory information be released to anyone who requests it?

  • NO - If the student has requested that directory information be withheld, no information can be released outside of CUI except as provided by law, OR to anyone within CUI who does NOT have a need to know.
  • 是的 - If the student has NOT requested that directory information be withheld.

What is directory information 在欧文的康考迪亚大学?

欧文康考迪亚大学 considers the following to be Directory Information:

  • 学生全名
  • 本地地址
  • 电子邮件地址
  • 永久地址
  • 电话号码:本地 & 永久
  • 出生日期和地点
  • 主修领域
  • 所获学位及奖项
  • 出席日期
  • 最近就读的学校
  • Classification, including status (Full-time, Part-time, etc.)
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Weight and height of members of athletic teams



  • FERPA赋予父母关于子女教育记录的某些权利.
  • 权利在学生年满18岁或就读任何中学以上的学校时转移给学生.

When may a parent access a student's educational records?

  • 康考迪亚大学不要求家长纳税表格,因此不会向家长发布非目录信息. Please have your son or daughter request the information you seek.

How can a parent access student information for their student?

  • Parent can have access only if the student is willing to release information.
  • Student must complete a FERPA release form. 请到格林大厅北一层的办公室直接与注册主任办公室联系.

How can a student withhold directory information?

How can a student request that their information be withheld?

  • 学生必须要求在常规学期的人口普查日或之前保留信息, the 2nd class day of the January mini-mester, or prior to the beginning of the summer terms by completing a Request to Prevent Disclosure of Directory Information form to prevent release of directory information.
  • A directory hold will be put on the academic record whenever the student requests it during the semester; however, 在上述日期之后,但在注册处收到表格之前发布的任何信息,我们概不负责.
  • 目录保持有效,直到学生以书面形式请求将其删除.


What documents does a student not have a right to see?

  • Financial information submitted by parents
  • Confidential letters and recommendations placed in student's file before 1/1/75
  • 机密信件等., 与录取有关, 就业, 学生放弃被检查和审查的权利的工作安排或荣誉
  • 包含其他学生信息的教育记录,如成绩、考试成绩等.

What information can we release without student consent?

The law allows disclosure without consent to:

  • School employees who have a legitimate educational interest
  • Other schools, upon request, in which a student is seeking or intending to enroll
  • 认证机构
  • Organizations doing certain studies for or on behalf of the University
  • 适当的各方与财政援助,以确定学生的资格, 经济援助的数额或条件, or to enforce the terms and conditions of aid
  • 当学生超过18岁仍是受抚养人时的父母(见父母权利下的其他信息)
  • 美国政府的一些官员说. S. 教育部, 总审计长, and state and local educational authorities, 与审计有关, 美国的授权代表. S. 司法部长负责执法或州或联邦支持的教育项目
  • Individuals who have obtained a judicial order or subpoena
  • 需要了解对学生采取纪律处分的学校官员
  • 在发生健康和安全紧急情况时需要知道的适当方,以保护学生和/或其他人的健康和安全
  • 州和地方当局,在少年司法系统内,根据具体的州法律
  • 在就该罪行进行纪律程序后的暴力罪行的据称受害者
  • Parent or legal guardian of a student under the age of 21, information regarding any violation of university policy or state, 联邦或地方法律, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance
  • 如果学生没有要求保留他或她的信息,则要求提供学生的目录信息

What are 2 basic steps to comply with the law?

1. Notify current students annually in writing of their rights under FERPA.

  • Right to seek amendment or correction of educational records
  • 对教育档案中信息的公开有一定控制权的权利,除非法律允许公开
  • Right to file complaints with the 家庭政策遵从处, 美国教育部, 在涉嫌违规的180天内
  • 由于CUI有向学校官员披露个人身份信息的政策:
    • The criteria for determining school officials
    • A description of what constitutes legitimate educational interest


2. Grant access by students or parents, if applicable, to education records.

  • 在校生和原在校生有权按照既定程序查阅和审查自己的学习记录.
  • Within a maximum of 45 days after written request is received.
  • 院校或代理机构不需要提供教育记录的副本,除非不这样做将拒绝访问.
  • 记录 cannot be destroyed if request is pending.
  • Fee can be charged unless cost prohibits access.
  • 学生和以前的学生有权审查要求披露其个人身份信息的记录.
  • 学校需要保存申请记录,并向学生提供.

What are institutional policy and notification requirements?


The benefit of having a policy is that we have guidelines to follow.

  • CUI has a written policy in the CUI UNIVERSITY HANDBOOK, Policy No. 481.2
  • CUI在秋季和春季注册期间通知学生他们在FERPA下的权利, 在CUI目录中

What can happen if we fail to follow the law?

  • 诉讼
  • 失去联邦资助
  • Conviction of a misdemeanor under the Public Information Act
  • 在县监狱监禁不超过6个月或罚款不超过1000美元或两者兼而有之
  • 解雇/失业

What if I have a question on what can or cannot be released under FERPA?

还记得 . . .当你有疑问的时候,不要说出来!

  • 您不得使用其他用户帐户登录或与任何人共享您的My记录帐户信息.
  • 教练! Only you as the instructor of record may access your class information. 任何时候都不能打工学习, 助理或其他任何与课程无关的人都可以通过My记录访问学生数据.
    • Instructional Aid be may added to your Blackboard as a grading assistant; however, at no time should you share your ID and PIN for My记录.
  • 如果您对可以发布或不可以发布的内容有任何疑问,请致电注册办公室(x3081).


For more information on FERPA, visit the website of the 家庭政策遵从处

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